Cypress Grove
One of the most well-known and innovative dairies and creameries in the United States, Cypress Grove Creamery was founded by the self-made cheesemaker, Mary Keehne, in beautifully lush and verdant Humboldt Country, California. Starting with two goats, Mary developed the award-winning Humboldt Fog cheese, a luscious chevre. From there she expanded into a model dairy set in 36 acres, with a 100% score from the American Humane Certification. Cypress Grove Cheese offers a superb selection of some of America's best goat cheeses: Bermuda Triangle, truffle-dotted Truffle Tremor, Midnight Moon and many others.
1 - 7 of 7 products:
from United States
by Cypress Grove
A creamy goat's milk cheese made in California's Humboldt County.
from Netherlands
by Cypress Grove
An aged goat cheese with a caramel flavors and a lovely lady on the label.
from United States
by Cypress Grove
A fantastic creamy cow's milk cheese blended with pieces of black truffle.
from United States
by Cypress Grove
An addictive goat cheese mixed with lavender and fennel from Cypress Grove Creamery in Northern California.
from United States
by Cypress Grove
A delightful American goat cheese with a creamy texture and a tangy flavor.
from United States
by Cypress Grove
An artisan American goat cheese from California.
from Netherlands
by Cypress Grove
A fabulous aged sheep's milk cheese versatile enough for a cheese board or a grilled cheese sandwich.