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Sargol Saffron

Sargol Saffron

by Pilar
1 tin - 1 oz room temp $203.85 $203.85
2 tins - 1 oz ea room temp $183.46 $366.92

Sargol Saffron

Sargol Saffron is the highest quality saffron from Iran. Also known as Persian Saffron, Iranian Safron, or Red Gold; Sargol Saffron can be recognized by the rich scarlet red of its threads. It has incredible fragrance and flavor and powerful coloring strength.

Sargol Saffron Spice by Pilar arrives in a decorative metal tin to protect it from air, light, and moisture, ensuring a long lasting well preserved spice. This is 100% pure saffron, with no partial threads, preservatives, substitutes, or colorants added.

The coloring strength of saffron is measured in units where 190 strength is considered the minimum and Sargol Saffron clocks in at 260. For the strongest flavor, saffron threads should be soaked in a hot liquid for at least 20 minutes but as long as overnight before using. Alternatively, dried saffron threads can be ground immediately prior to using and sprinkled into dishes.

Saffron has a pleasing aroma and taste of fresh grass or hay, with sweet honey notes. However, it has over 150 aroma-yielding compounds so its flavor is incredibly subtle and complex. Saffron is used to flavor rice dishes a beautiful golden yellow, for example paella of Spain and biryani of India both have rich yellow rice. It compliments fish and seafood, lamb, pork, and vegetables. It is often used with such herbs as cinnamon, cumin, almonds, and vanilla. It can also be used in subtly sweet desserts like cookies and custard.

Ingredients: 100% dried stigma of the flower of Crocus sativus.
Availability: Usually ships within NaN business days. Product is non-perishable and can ship via Ground service.
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Product Questions And Answers

Q: Interested in your saffron however, may I ask if I can purchase a sample first? We have ordered saffron so many times and have been disappointed more times than we have been satisfied with quality. Thank you for your consideration.
A: As online retailers only, we do not offer any samples of the products listed on our site.


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