Bufarolo is made from pasteurized buffalo milk in Bergamo, Italy. But while it might be born in Italy, it matures in New York, under the watchful eye of the master affineurs at Crown Finish Caves in Brooklyn. There is a delectable contrast between the deeper, yeast flavor provided by the beer-washed rind and the fudge-like, silky interior that exudes a bright, lemony flavor. The beer offsets the natural earthiness of the caves that typically clings to the rind.
The cheese arrives from Italy completely rindless and washing it with beer creates a different type of rind that changes with the seasons. It is only aged for 6 to 8 weeks, which is relatively young compared to other cheeses, yet still produces an exceptionally decadent cheese with a powerful impact.
Bufarolo’s deep, woody tones sing with lemony, nutty flavors and its overall hint of floral sweetness are well suited to black ales and stouts, or robust, full-bodied reds, like Syrah. Considering its heady flavors, pairing anything lighter with Bufarolo would defeat the purpose and merely get lost. This also applies if you add it to a salad – it wouldn’t be overpowered by bitter leaves. It also melts nicely and is a wonderful side when poured atop potatoes.
Crowns Finish Caves is made up of master affineurs who receive cheeses from all over that are ready to complete their final stages of preparation. The cheeses are aged in caves 30 feet below ground that are the former lagering tunnels of the Nassau Brewery in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
Pasteurized water buffalo milk, cultures, rennet, salt, beer.
Usually ships within 1 business days.
Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service.